Child Support is the act of sharing the financial burden of raising a child.
Child Support requires one or both parents to make continuous payments to another in order to contribute to the child’s expenses.
Importantly, child support may be awarded even if the parents of the child were never married. Child Support payments are governed by the Alabama Child Support Guidelines and may be Modified if a parent can prove to the Court that his or her income has significantly changed.
Under Alabama law, Child Support CANNOT be waived.
The Courts find that the Child Support is for the benefit of the child, and neither parent may waive child support requirements.
Child Support Purpose
Child Support is the continuous payments made by one parent of a child in order to support his/her wellbeing. These are typically made by the parent that does not have physical or sole custody of the child. The payments include but are not limited to the basic necessities of the child/ children.
Child Support Guidelines
According to Rule 32 in the Alabama Rules of Judicial Administration, total child-support obligation is “determined by adding the basic child-support obligation, work-related child- care costs, and health-care-coverage costs.”
In addition to the previously referenced basic Child-Support payments, the court may order additional child support for further extraordinary reasons.
Child Support Modifications
Modifications to Child Support can be made in the case that the previous Child Support order is no longer sustainable given their current situation. In this case, the gross incomes of the parents will be readjusted.